Dear Chase,
This morning when I went to get you out of your crib, yes you are finally sleeping in your crib, you gave me the sweetest smile I have ever seen. I can not tell you how much your mommy and daddy love you. When I talk about it or think about you, it can bring tears to my eyes in an instant. Every morning we have talk time and you are really getting verbal. I swear today you told me " I love you mommy" but I could be wrong. I cherish the moments when you fall asleep on my chest and I can hear your little sounds while you sleep. I had a hard time putting you in your crib because I missed rolling over and seeing your sweet face sleeping. So my sweet boy, you are going to be 12 weeks this week. It is crazy how big you get every day. I love you sweet munchies, so so much.
I heard song that made me think of you...
Don't know much about you
Don't know who you are
We've been doing fine without you
But, we could only go so far
Don't know why you chose us
Were you watching from above
Is there someone there that knows us
Said we'd give you all our love
Will you laugh just like your mother
Will you sigh like you old man
Will some things skip a generation
Like I've often heard they can
Are you a poet or a dancer
A devil or a clown
Or a strange new combination
of the things we handed down
I wonder who you'll look like
Will your hair fall down and curl
Will you be a mommy's boy
Or daddy's little girl
Will you be a sad reminder
Of what's been lost along the way
Maybe you can help me find her
In the things you do and say
And these things that we have given you
They are not so easily found
But you can thank us later
For the things we handed down